Top 25 Transportation Sources to Follow on Twitter

While I’m obviously biased towards @SeaTransitBlog’s twitter feed, which is nearing the 4,000 follower mark and has lots of added value above and beyond just pushing our blog posts out, I wanted to share a list the top 25 twitter transportation sources according to ULI’s Urban Land Magazine. It’s is a great list, with lots of influential thinkers, organizations and national news sources. Of course you can always just look at who we’re following, which is a fairly distilled group of local and national tweeters.

View the whole list here.

9 Replies to “Top Transportation Tweeters”

    1. Well we only follow 100 people or so blogs not directly related to transportation usually don’t make it. I try to keep the noise down by only following people with active twitter accounts that I get something extra out of. If you just want to follow posts that is what RSS is for.

      1. Well, we don’t just tweet our posts… at times things get more active, like live-tweeting the recent meeting about zoning in the station area. ;)

  1. I don’t twitter, but there’s usually something good at the Twitter sidebar at “The Transport Politic”.

    Regarding “The Infrastructionist”:

    The Infrastructurist ‏ @Infrastructurst

    Web site has gone silent. Twitter account will follow soon. Thanks everyone, pls follow @e_jaffe @nate_berg @jebediahreed @txchnologist”

  2. Heh, let’s see more posts about musicals! “According to our friends at Klout and PeerIndex, Seattle Transit Blog is frequently talking about broadway…”

    The SeaTransitBlog scores are pretty good too, 81/51/48 which is almost even with the bottom 5 of the 25 in the report. In the Top 50 for sure. :)

  3. Do people actually read the Twits they follow?

    I mean, when I go to Seattle Transit Blog, I actually read the articles, the links and the comments. I’m “subscribed” to Twitter, but in a given month, I don’t think I sit there and read those feeds very much at all…unless I’m Tweeting something myself…for my own subscribers to ignore.

  4. That list is focused on the USA only, right?

    Which is funny given that the USA has the crappiest infrastructure of any of the so-called “Westernized” countries.

    I mean, for example, @copenhagenize has a 94/61/56 score, and yet they aren’t on the list?

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