If you look at the UW station plans, you’ll see that the station will have one exit facing North with a ramp toward main campus and another facing toward the hospital. It’s deep underground because it has to cross the cut, which means it needs to go under the water. I love the design, especially how the ramp faces the mountain as you walk to the station, but the one bad part of the design is it’s distance from Montlake bridge where the buses crossing 520 ride. Small problem.

4 Replies to “UW Station”

  1. That’s the power of the Pacific Interchange Option for 520:

    The 545 (or whatever) can just drop you off at the rail station, leaving you 8 minutes from downtown, instead of fighting that horrific 520/I-5/Mercer merge.

  2. It looks as if there will be 4 tracks located at the station as well. 2 will be a siding for storage or broken down trainsets perhaps?

    21 months for the TBM.. well that isn’t too bad considering but it would be halved if a second TBM was purchased. The TBM can only bore about 35-55 feet per day depending on the soil.

  3. I think the extra tracks are storage because for at least a couple of years it will be the end of the line for Link. There’s a little underground break room for rail staff in the design as well.

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